Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Charles Napier R.I.P.

I'm totally broken-up to hear that one of my favorite actors, and favorite fellow-Kentuckians, has passed away. The name Charles Napier might not be instantly recognizable to all move-fans but his face will be. One of our great character actors, Napier added a jolt of greatness to every film and television show he appeared in during his impressive four-decade long career. Napier was a ferocious screen-presence and he was a truly gifted actor. While he certainly appeared in many mainstream successes throughout his career, ranging from The Blues Brothers to Rambo to Austin Powers, I will always associate him mostly with the spellbinding work he did with Russ Meyer throughout the early seventies. I had the great pleasure of submitting a piece on my favorite Meyer film, Supervixens, earlier this year for a future publication and I wrote that Napier's work in the film contained a true 'terrifying genius', and I will always consider it one of the most disturbing and greatest performances I have ever seen on celluloid.
Charles Napier was one of the greats and I extend my best-wishes to his family and friends. When I finished up my degree at Western Kentucky University a few years back I took great satisfaction in knowing that on a daily basis I was walking some of the same steps that Charles Napier had. The man was a giant...on-screen and off.

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