Friday, November 25, 2011

Coming in December: Moon in the Gutter Celebrates its 5th Anniversary with a Special Tribute

While it is hard for me to comprehend, next month marks Moon in the Gutter's fifth anniversary. It was on December 18th, 2006 that I sat down for that inaugural post on the untimely passing of one of my favorite actresses, Claude Jade. I was 33 at the time and had recently returned to college to finish my degree. While many folks look upon online writers, and particularly bloggers, with a harsh eye I must say that Moon in the Gutter has been one of the great experiences of my life and I am quite proud of it. The nearly 2000 posts I have created here have helped get me published in print, have helped me create friendships with some of my favorite actors, artists, directors and musicians and have helped me grow as a writer and film historian.
Longtime readers have perhaps noticed a decline in quality and quantity in the past several months here at Moon in the Gutter. I am more than aware of it and can only say that I have been in a bit of rut, and that rut has given me one of the most severe cases of writer's block I have ever had to deal with. I am going to try and reverse this in December and get Moon in the Gutter back on track with a month long celebration of the filmmaker I usually refer to as my all-time favorite director, François Truffaut. So, starting Thursday December, 1st I will begin celebrating a man who pulled me out of an artistic and spiritual slump once before, many years ago, with the hope that he might do it again. I hope you will join me and to the readers who have stuck with me these past five years...thank you, thank you, thank you.


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